Thursday, May 27, 2004

Ignorant Fallacies!

The following two conversations took place using AIM.

Sudipta: do me a favor?
Ted: yes?
Sudipta: google "ignorant fallacies"
Ted: awww... is this part of your whole fan site effort?
Sudipta: indeed! congratulations, you've made it to #1 on google!
Ted: that's cute
Sudipta: i prefer "amusing" but you can call it cute if you want

Sudipta: do me a favor?
Karthik: What?
Sudipta: google "ignorant fallacies"
Karthik: Wow
Karthik: That must have taken a lot of time
Karthik: And effort
Sudipta: No, actually. But congratulations, you've made it to #1 on google!
Karthik: Cool
Karthik: Free advertising
Karthik: Thanks
Sudipta: Indeed, free advertising for those on the lookout for ignorant fallacies

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